Senin, 09 Oktober 2017

I’M GOING TO A SOCCER MATCH “Direct And Indirect Question And Short Message”

By Unknown di Oktober 09, 2017


A.           Background
In our daily life, we always communicate using a language. In communicating, we use question word to deliver or express what we want to say to the interlocutor. The words are then summarized into phrases, clauses and sentences and finally being called as interrogative sentence. Besides verbal way, we also communicate in written, such as used in the mass media. In mass media contained some sentence types used in written language including interrogative sentence. Interrogative sentence will not Appear if there is no question words. Because, word is the main subject rather than interrogative sentence although it's just one word. If there is no question word in a sentence, then the sentence is not an interrogative sentence but it will be a news or phrase sentence. Therefore, question word is importan if we want to know or ask something.

B.            Problem Formulation
a.              What is Asking Question and Short Message?
b.             What are the types of Asking Question and Short Message?
c.              What is the example of Asking Question and Short Message?
d.             How to make Asking Question and Short Message?


There are two types of questions in English language:
1.             Direct questions 
Are used to try to get information. When we write a direct question, we always end the sentence with a question mark ( ? ). The question mark signals to the reader that the sentence is a question.
Where is the bathroom?
Do you want to drink water?
When will she be here?
What is your name?
Your name is Mike, isn't it?
How do you open this door?

There are four main categories of direct questions, depending on the kind of answer you expect: 

a.             Yes/No questions
To form a direct questions with a yes or no answer, we use auxiliary verbs, which are also called helping verbs. An auxiliary (or helping verb) is a verb that is used together with another verb to express the action or state.
Main verb + auxiliary verb = complete idea
For example: 
is + working = is working = the full idea of the verb
Incorrect: Lisa working now.
Correct: Lisa is working now.
In questions, the auxiliary verb is placed before the subject of a sentence. 

These are a few common auxiliary verbs:


A Yes/No question is written in this form:
Auxiliary verb + subject + main verb

Did Sarah sleep?
Do you cook?
Was she running?
Have you seen the dog?

b.            WH Questions
WH questions allow a wide range of answers. These types of questions begin with question words such as:


We use an auxiliary or helping verb after the                                                                           WH words whatwhywhere,how and when
Where is the bathroom?
What is your name?
Who is the man next to you?
Why did she leave so early?
How are you feeling today?

Do not use an auxiliary after who, which or what if they are the subject of the sentence.
Who called you?
Which man is your father?
What day is the party?

c.             Alternative Questions
Alternative questions require an answer chosen from the options given in the question. These types of questions always contain the connecting word “or”.
Do you like the ocean or the mountains?
Will you be driving your car or riding the bus?
Would you like to eat pizza or hamburgers?
Did you buy the blue ball or the red ball?

d.            Tag Questions
tag question is a statement followed by a short question. Tag questions are very common in the English language and are used to ask if you agree with the statement.
Tag questions are written in this form:
statement + tag + ?
You like hamburgers, don't you?
She has brown hair, doesn't she?
Her name is Rose, isn't it?
This is a pig, right?
2.             Indirect questions 
Are also used to try to get information, but are a polite and longer form of direct questions. They are sometimes used as a statement and written with a period instead of a question mark.
Mom wants to know if you are hungry.
Could you tell me where the bathroom is, please?
Do you know what her name is?
I was wondering if you knew the population of this city.
Can you tell me where you live?

Indirect questions are also used to try to get information. However, we use indirect questions if we want to ask a more personal or formal question.
Indirect questions are more polite than direct questions.
Indirect questions can start with introductory phrases such as these:
Can you tell me . . .
Could you tell me . . .
I would be interested to hear . . .
I would like to know . . .
Would you mind telling me . . .
I wonder . . .

When forming an indirect question, use an introductory phrase followed by about, a WH word or if. Then add the subject and the rest of the sentence.
Introductory phrase + question word (WH word, about or if) + positive sentence
We do not need to use an auxiliary verb.
Examples: (Direct => Indirect)
Correct: Where is the bathroom? => Can you tell me where the bathroom is located?
Incorrect: Can you tell me where is the bathroom located?
Correct: When does the next bus arrive? => Do you know when the next bus arrives?
Incorrect: Do you know when does the next bus arrives?

Correct: What is his name? =>  Would you mind telling me his name?
Incorrect: Would you mind telling me do you know his name?

Indirect questions can also be said in the form of a statement. These types of indirect questions are used to try to get information and end with aperiod.
Examples: (Direct => Indirect)
1)             Do you like chocolate? => I would like to know if you like chocolate.
2)             What do you like about your job? => I wonder if you could tell me what you like about your job.
3)             Where is your home? => I can't remember the address of your home.

B.            SHORT MESSAGE
Short Message is used to convey something to others that the person is doing or not doing something because we can not meet directly to the people we will give the message.
Short Message should give in formations about :
a.              Receiver 
b.             Content 
c.              Sender 

There are 2 kinds of short message :
a.              Written message
b.             Electric message 


Dear Ratna,
Hi, where are you? I came to your class to return your pen just now, but you were not in. So I put your pencil on your table.
Thanks for it.

To : Beti
I’m sorry I can’t come to your house to do our English task this afternoon. I must take my mother to the doctor because she has a headache. What if we do it tomorrow?

In short message, we usually shorten a word or phrase. When we abbreviate a word or phrase, we shorten it. Abbreviations can be formed from the first letters of the word or phrase. In such cases, we normally say them by spelling out each letter:
personal computer
World Health Organisation

For some written abbreviations, individual letters or sounds from the word are used, although the word is always said in full:
full form
written abbreviation
for example
e.g. (from the Latin equivalent: exempli gratia)
Gaze Limited
Gaze Ltd (Limited refers to a company)
page 38
p. 38
5 kilometres
5 km

Abbreviations are also formed by omitting one or more syllables from a word. This is sometimes called ‘clipping’, because we keep the beginning of the word and ‘clip’ the rest of the word. The abbreviations here are written and spoken in this form:

full form
advert; ad
Clipping is common when we use personal names:

Besides that, we also use initial in a short message. Initial is the first letter of a word. We often use initials to refer to the names of countries and organisations:
USA United States of America
BBC British Broadcasting Corporation

Initials also refer to the first letters of people’s first names. When we fill in forms, we are sometimes asked to state our surname and initials. When we refer to ourselves using initials, it is more formal:
J. Adams, lawyer (formal)
John Adams, lawyer (less formal)

Sometimes first names are in full, and middle names are included as initials. This is also a formal use. It is particularly common in American English:
Robert B. Davidson

And also, we use acronyms when we make a short message. Acronyms are words which are formed from the first letters of other words, and which are pronounced as full words. Examples of acronyms:
NATO /ˈneɪʊ/ North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
scuba /ˈsku:bə/ self-contained underwater breathing apparatus
radar /ˈreɪdɑ(r)/ radio detection and ranging
SATs /sæts/ standard attainment tests (tests taken by schoolchildren in the UK)

Newer acronyms are written with capital letters:
Jodie’s got her SATs next week – she’s a bit nervous.

Where the acronym has existed for a long time and become fully established in the language, it is written with small letters (or with one capital letter if it is at the beginning of a sentence):
The ship’s radar had been destroyed in battle.
Radar was one of the most important inventions of the twentieth century.
We went scuba-diving in Australia.

Some acronyms are pronounced as a combination of letters and syllables:
She sent me a jpeg file with a photo of her wedding. (joint photographic experts group /ˈdʒeɪpeg/)
You can buy the dictionary on CD-ROM. 
(compact disc read-only memory; pronounced /si: di: ˈrɒm/)

We use some acronyms in the plural or possessive:
Are the pictures on your memory stick jpegs or bitmaps?
NATO’s foreign policy has been criticised recently.


A.           Conclusion

We use question word to communicate each other and to expres our ideas by asking it to the interlocutors. Asking question can be divided into two types, direct question and indirect question. The other way to communicate in writing langguage is by using short message. Short message can shorten our time in communicating.

B.            Suggestion

Hopefully with existence of this handing out can assist and add science to reading [it] and if there [is] mistake in this handing out [so that/ to be] earning [in] equiping so that handing out [is] better.


Betty Schrampfer Azar and Stacy Hagen (2009) Understanding and Using English Grammar (4th ed.). Pearson Education. ISBN 978-0132333337.
Betty S. Azar and Stacy Hagen (2011).Fundamentals of English Grammar Pearson Education. ISBN 978-0137071692.
Betty Schrampfer Azar and Stacy Hagen (2014) Basic English Grammar(4th ed.). Pearson Education. ISBN 978-0132942249.

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